How to Choose a Best Domain Name for Your Website in 2020

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In this article, we’ll share all the tools and tips  how you choose the best domain name:

  1. Keep it  brandable
  2. Make it easy to pronounce and spekk
  3. Keep your it short and easy to type
  4. Use sensible keyword
  5. Research before register
  6.  Be creative or innovative


Keep it brandable
Pick a unique domain name for your website to grab visitor’s attention and interest in branded domian. Besides you can stand out in the minds of readers. 
Brandable domain names are unique, catchy, and memorable. For example, “” is a much more brandable name than “”


Make it easy to pronounce and spell

To make your domain name stands out from the other, please make sure it is easy to pronounce. It is can be frustrating for your end-users if your URL is complex, such as it has long and arduous words to spell.It definitely should be easy to understand and spell for any Users.


Keep it short and easy to type

The best is make it’s length as short as possible.The shorter the domain name, the better for audience to reach your website. It is for your website users to type, remember, and the less likely it is to misspell or typo cause  entering typos with longer domain names which can lead to loss traffic.


Use sensible keywords

Keywords have an important role to play in the domain.  You tell the search engines what your website is all about by using keywords in your domain name. A perfect domain can help you rank higher in Google with high-quality content and good user experience, keywords .


Research  before Register

Try to search before registering it to avoid same domain name with other business.

You can go for a trademark search to see if there is already a similar or exact trademark name.

Research trademarks to avoid conflicting domain names


You can also search Google and check the availability of your name on top social media sites like Twitter, Facebook , Instagram, etc.

A similar or matching name would not only cause confusion, but could also have serious legal implications that could cost you a lot of money.

Be creative or innovative

Be imaginative and creative when selecting domain name. Come up with catchy domain names. Try creative approaches and create your own words.



Let’s choose the best domain name for your and start your online journey now! Grab your perfect domain before somebody grab yours! GET NOW:

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