Wordpress Plugins

Top 6 Plugins to Use in Your WordPress Site

WordPress is a comprehensive content management system and a capable website builder (CMS). It enables you to construct websites and publish digital material on the internet without needing to know how to code. WordPress makes managing material like photographs, videos, articles, and more as simple as ABC. Here are some of the plugins you’ll need to improve your website’s functionality.…

Digital Customer Service

Digital Customer Service is Important. Here’s Why:

Importance of Customer Service It’s not always as simple as you think to contact a firm regarding your web hosting service, especially if you’re having problems. You can be in a hurry to ask a question you just heard about because you don’t want to miss the deadline. You can be in the middle of a call, believing everything is…

The Best Web Hosting For Small Businesses

The Best Web Hosting For Small Businesses

Every company understands that entering the realm of web hosting is unavoidable. It’s a crucial aspect of keeping your site reliable and accessible, as well as making it look more professional to visitors. But which services are most beneficial to small and medium-sized businesses? About Web Hosting? Web hosting is a service that gives you your own personal area (server)…

A Guide to Web Hosting in Malaysia for Beginners

A Guide to Web Hosting in Malaysia for Beginners

A website is something that everyone in the twenty-first century is familiar with. Many people are still unaware of the necessity of web hosting, despite the fact that it goes hand in hand with a website. About Web Hosting Web hosting is a service that allows websites to be accessible on the internet and is supplied by an IT business.…

Why VPS is Essential for Forex Traders

One of the most exciting and hazardous transactions is Forex trading. You know how vital speed is in competitive trading if you’re a Forex trader. The lesser your Forex trading platform’s latency, the better. Introduction to Forex Trading The buying and selling of one currency against another is known as forex trading. A bank account, CFDs, or an online currency…

The Benefits of Working Four Days Per Week

We live in a time when it appears that the more you work, the more valuable you are. Working 4 days per week is generally dismissed as inefficient, but if you think about it, being able to do more in less time may really result in you getting more done in the long term. Here at ServerGigabit we believe in…

Protect your Email from Spam

You might be receiving spambots every day if you haven’t protected your email address over the years. This post will show you how to prevent spam by protecting email addresses. What is Considered Spam? Spam is defined as any undesired, unsolicited digital message transmitted in mass, according to www.malwarebytes.com. Spam is frequently delivered by email, but it can also be…

Find the Best Extension for your Domain

When acquiring a domain name for your website, it is critical to select the correct domain name extension. Although there are several advantages to having a domain name extension, not everyone is aware of them or how they will influence your website. Some people are only aware of the various domain name extensions when they are on the registration page…

Adjustments for cPanel License Prices 2022

On September 28th, cPanel announced another pricing increase, which would take effect on January 1, 2022. A periodic review and upgrades, such as a new modernised interface, Ubuntu support, and more, led to the price increase. The previous and current retail prices for all of cPanel’s licences are shown in the table below. For your convenience, we’ve translated the retail…

Data Protection: How to Handle and Avoid Ransomware Threats

Ransomware assaults, according to Malwarebytes, are a type of virus that spreads across the internet and encrypts computer files. The encrypted data would then be held hostage by hackers, who would demand money from the file owner in exchange for the files. However, as hackers became more prevalent, many information technology businesses began to look for new ways to improve…